domingo, 31 de enero de 2016

Coatante entrega de Filtros de Agua, Ropa, Cobijas y Juguetes

Coatante, Nayarit
Entrega de 40 Filtros de Agua, Ropa, 40 Cobijas y Juguetes

Enero 25

Gracias a todas las personas que donaron en especial....
Thanks to all the contributors with donations specially...

1. Donativos de despensas...  Sandra Wicks bought 50 and Charlie and Patti Bishop bought 50.  They are in Rotary clubs in Vancouver, Washington, but I know them from the Rotary club here.  This wasn't a Rotary project, but just made possible by the connection through Rotary. 

2.  Donativos de filtros de Agua Water Filters. Richela Grantz, and she is a member of the Vancouver Sunrise Rotary club in Washington state.  This was a club project on their part.  We had shown them the filter and sent pictures for them to use, and then Bruce challenged them.  He said he would put up $1000 if they also put up $1000.

Donativos de filtros de Agua Water filters Bruce Phelps.  He is a member of Anchorage East Rotary and became aware of the water filters through a previous club project, but his contribution of $1000 last fall and again this year was his own individual thing, because he thinks it is so important that people have clean water.

Together these people dontated $2000 to buy 40 water filters

4.  Cobijas Scott OBrien donated money toward blankets.  Cobijas The Calvary Church in Puerto Vallarta donated 30 blankets
5.  Panales Ben Soave donated diapers.  
Juguetes y ropa, Toys and clothes collected by Fundacion ATD members and all the coordination by    y Coordinación Colomo Nayarit

Acerca del proyecto de construcción en Lomas del Valle Jalisco.

Visita Nuestra página en FB / Visit our FB page

Agradecemos a las personas que nos apoyan en este proyecto. Si puedes y te interesa ayudar como voluntario, con donativos en especie o en efectivo, contactanos por favor al correo Fundación Ahora es Tiempo de Dar, A. C.
We thank the people who support us in this project. If you can and are interested in volunteering to help with donations in kind or cash, please contact us by email Fundación Ahora es Tiempo de Dar, A. C.

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